Data Ingestion

What is Data Ingestion ?

Data ingestion is the process of obtaining and importing data for immediate use or storage in a database. To ingest something is to “take something in or absorb something.”

In short


A Market Perspective

Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Integration Platform as a Service

September 2020-2021


Cloud Mass Ingestion Efficiently ingest streaming big data, databases, and files with cloud-based services


Last month Stitch became part of Talend. Talend is a global open source big data and cloud integration software company whose mission is “to make your data better, more trustworthy, and more available to drive business value.” That maps naturally to Stitch’s mission “to inspire and empower data-driven people.”

Talend offers a wide range of products to complement Stitch’s frictionless SaaS ETL platform.

Analysis-ready data at your fingertips

Stitch rapidly moves data from 130+ sources into a data warehouse so you can get to answers faster, no coding required.

Data Ingestion vs Data Integration

Data ingestion is similar to, but distinct from, the concept of data integration, which seeks to integrate multiple data sources into a cohesive whole. With data integration, the sources may be entirely within your own systems; on the other hand, data ingestion suggests that at least part of the data is pulled from another location (e.g. a website, SaaS application, or external database). data integration, the sources,application, or external database).

Big Data Ingestion

Big Data Ingestion involves

connecting to various data sources

extracting the data

detecting changed data


It’s about moving data - and especially unstructured data -

from where it is originated

into a system where it can be stored and analyzed.

Data Ingestion is the beginning of Data Pipeline where it obtains or import data for immediate use.

Data can be streamed in real time or ingested in batches, When data is ingested in real time then, as soon as data arrives it is ingested immediately.

Effective Data Ingestion process begins by

prioritizing data sources

validating individual files

routing data items to the correct destination

Data Velocity

Data Velocity deals with the speed at which data flows in from different sources like machines, networks, human interaction, media sites, social media. The flow of data can be massive or continuous.

Data Size

Data size implies enormous volume of data. Data is generated by different sources that may increase timely.

Data Frequency (Batch, Real-Time)

Data can be processed in real time or batch, in real time processing as data received on same time, it further proceeds but in batch time data is stored in batches, fixed at some time interval and then further moved.

Data Format (Structured, Semi-Structured, Unstructured)

Data can be in different formats, mostly it can be structured format i.e. tabular one or unstructured format i.e. images, audios, videos or semi-structured i.e. JSON files, CSS files etc.

Data Ingestion Types

Batch/Micro Batch

Batch Data Ingestion is about collect, upload and process data in steps.

Assembly Line

Data are cumulated for an amount of time (or size) and then are ready to be processed.


Can be any kind of data: log files, databases, structured or unstructured, text or binary.


Can be big or small.


Real Time / Streaming

Stream data ingestion (or real time) is about sending, receiving and process a continuous flow of data


Meanwhile data are ingested they are make available for (more then one) processing system


Applications of Stream Processing

complex event processing

Suppose we have


A monitoring system may for instance receive the following three from the same source:

  • church bells ringing.

  • the appearance of a man in a tuxedo with a woman in a flowing white gown.

  • rice flying through the air

From these events the monitoring system may infer a complex event: a wedding